Semester 1 Text Books
We’d like to remind all students to please return their Semester 1 textbooks to Mrs. Wittebolle as soon as possible. Mrs. Wittebolle has sent an email to all students with a list of their outstanding text books from Semester 1. Most Final Exams are now finished, so text books for any completed courses should be returned right away. Students who still need to write Diploma Exams should return these text books to the Book Room right before their exam.
Students will not receive text books for Semester 2 until their Semester 1 text books have been returned and their Semester 1 Fees and all Athletic fees have been paid.
There is no school for students on Tuesday, January 31st, as this is a division-wide PD day. Mrs. Wittebolle, however, will be at the school to accept text books from 9 – 12 on this day.
Semester 2 classes will begin on February 1st.