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Remote Learning and Access to Technology

Dear Kate Andrews High School Students and Families,

We have been working to develop a plan to support student learning over the coming weeks and months.  Teachers have been busy preparing ways to deliver education to students remotely using Google Classroom and other online tools.  We will be ready to begin this starting on Tuesday, March 24th.  (Friday, March 20th and Monday, March 23rd are PD Days at KA.) 


Student Email:

Students should be checking their Palliser email account daily for emails from their teachers.  We also encourage parents to check their child’s school email account (ask them for their email and password) so that you can stay informed about what is going on in specific classes.  Communication regarding specific classes will come directly from the teacher.  Any student who does not remember their Palliser email or password should contact the school for assistance.  Please call the office or email for assistance with this.  


Student Access to Technology

We are aware that not all students have access to technology such as a laptop or home computer so in order to help students mitigate this issue, we will be allowing students to borrow a Chromebook from the school, at no charge

If you need to borrow a Chromebook you must complete a Chromebook Borrowing Agreement through SchoolCashOnlineIf you do not already have a SchoolCashOnline account, you must create one.  Again, there is no charge for borrowing a Chromebook, however SchoolCashOnline is an efficient tool that we already have at our disposal to track who has borrowed them.  (Charges will only apply in cases where a Chromebook is damaged or not returned to the school.) 

If you would like to use the option to borrow a Chromebook, please notify the office by calling 403-345-3383 or email so that we can attach the Chromebook Borrowing Agreement to your student account.  Chromebooks will be available for pickup starting on Tuesday, March 24th, in the gym according the the schedule outlined. 

If you have already expressed your interested to borrow a Chromebook to the office when you cleaned out your locker, you do not need to notify us again.  It will already be attached to your SchoolCashOnline account.

We thank-you for your patience and grace during this time as we navigate this uncharted territory.  We realize that there are still many questions that remain unanswered.  Please bare with us as we work through all of the issues and questions that arise.  We will provide as much information as we can as soon as we are able. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our office at 403-345-3383. 

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