KAHS Attendance Procedure

In conjunction with the Education Act, KAHS is enforcing an Attendance Procedure, in an effort to reduce the number of students who frequently come late to class (unexcused), or leave early without parental permission, which disrupts the learning of other students.
During each period, the classroom door will be closed after the teacher takes attendance. If the door is closed, students who are late will need to come to the office to get a late slip. After a student is late (unexcused) 5 times, Administration will have a conversation with that student’s parents and the student will not be permitted into that class for that day. Instead, the student will be given a space to work (in the office or the library), so that they do not disrupt the learning of the rest of the students in that class. Students are expected to be prepared, with their supplies when they arrive for class.
Students leaving class early should check out at the office to ensure that it has been excused by a parent. Administration will contact parents of students who frequently leave class early, without prior parental consent.
Parents/Guardians can call the KAHS Office (403-345-3383), use the School Messenger App, or call the Safe Arrival Automated Phone Service (1-844-260-7166) to report student attendance.